A few years ago, when I first started trying to incorporate clicker training into field work, I was a little unsure of its potential. I didn’t know of anyone else using the method and was starting to doubt its usefulness. Then one day I came across Willow Creek Kennels videos on youtube. Someone else was using clicker training on bird dogs!
Willow Creek has developed a great system of balancing positive and negative reinforcement. They pair clicker training with gentle pressure from a vibration collar (no e-stimulation, vibration like your cell phone) making it very easy for the dog to understand. As far as I know, they are the only professional training outfit that’s incorporating vibration collars into their program.
They have a video called “using pigeons as positive reinforcement”, that I use with any dog I start. It helps build teamwork and bring out the pointing instinct.
Check out their website, http://www.willowcreekkennels.net/. They have a lot of good training information and videos (they have more available on youtube).
Here is a good link to Chad Hines explaining how their training program works.
I can’t say enough good things about them.